Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Out of the Way
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Hanging by a thread
My "Good Morning" spider, the one with the web in our kitchen window I watch routinely as I pour my coffee, was busily respinning her web.
This was not due to damage so far as I could tell, but a choice made after she'd moved previously trapped and web silk encased food sources from the perimeter of the old web to a spider sized contrived pantry she'd built over by one side of the windowsill.
Saturday, December 5, 2009
How Low Did You Go? (DialUppers Beware:Loads of Photos)
How cold did it get at your place last night?
Around 8AM it is already back up to 31 degrees but here in Rollingwood our low was 28 degrees according to our digital thermometer. Although it stores that information, it does not specify when that low occurred or how long it stayed below freezing here. However long that was, it was:
All that remains now is to wait until the temperatures are safely above freezing to pull the improvised coverings off the various beds and survey potential damage. Some may not turn up for a day or so, but hopefully, most of the covered plants have survived to thrive in the more typical above freezing winter weather here. Fingers crossed.....
Friday, December 4, 2009
Share a thought for all the teachers in this area trying to get anything close to what was on their lesson plans accomplished now.
Naturally, I now have an errand to run to help ChefSon pick his car up from the dealer after repairs which means I have to drive in this rather than getting to brew up hot chocolate and enjoy the view out the window. Still, it is the elementary school teachers I feel for in all this. Good luck everybody!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Will it...or Won't it?
Supposedly this predictive capacity of the sunrise and sunset skies is based upon the idea that a red sky results from the sun shining through clouds filled with dust and/or water, and if such clouds are to the West of a viewer that indicates a dust filled sky with newly stabilized air after a front has already passed through (most fronts moving from west to east riding the Westerlies according to this theory), while a red sky in the morning indicates either dust, or with a "fiery red" situation, moisture laden clouds with unsettled weather yet to move through the area.
So what's up with the red skies in Austin this morning? Maybe your life is not filled with weather geeks the way mine is, but whether or not you've been paying attention, buzz has it in meteorological circles that Austin is due for a hard freeze and potentially the first snow of the season, Friday, December 4th.
That's Austin, Texas, not Austin, Minnesota.

All of which highlights the need to understand we are not simply dealing with warmer temperatures alone so much as we are experiencing a more widespread climate disruption. I mean, snow in Central Texas before Christmas? Look in the dictionary under "disruption" and a copy of this week's weather forecast could be the illustration for the definition.
And I wouldn't care at all except for what a hard freeze could do to folks trying to earn a living growing food around these parts. Growers on a larger than back yard scale may not be able to arrange row covers for entire fields. Bad weather plus a recession can equal no profit for struggling farmers.
We have a new greenhouse here thanks to Hub's efforts but it seems not to provide any insulation other than protection from winds. The temperatures inside the plastic sheeting are currently running even with the temperatures outside.
Gardening, especially with an eye to providing edibles, is certainly not for the faint of heart.
So.... What do you think about the snow in Austin in early December buzz? Typical, drum up advertising dollar weather forecast hooraw or might this be a serious freeze threat for our area?
And, how do you cope with the random hard freezes we have in this area? Do you duck? Let nature self select what will survive?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
End of the Line
In the meantime I am hopeful you are enjoying the wonderful November light. I find this one of the most beautiful times of year here in Central Texas and with that said, out I go to enjoy more of it.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
A Martha Stewart Moment
Earlier today I was enjoying a post by Society Garlic about weeding she has done recently in her lettuce beds. I am a horrible procrastinator when it comes to weeding.
I rationalize I am letting the weeds get large enough to make it easier to get a good grip on them, but really I am just ducking the chore until I can't stand it any longer or there is some apparent threat posed by the encroaching weediness to the plants I am actually trying to grow.
Besides, as long as I leave my glasses in their case, everything looks all lovely and green.
With corrected vision however, the truth is out there. Our beds are currently nutgrass and bermuda havens, training camps for all sorts of invasive behaviors in waiting.
Along with weed removal, the idea of digging out our invasive nandina bushes has been a task I have delayed to the point of ignoring. I console myself with the knowledge that if I keep the berries cut off, at least I am not feeding those berries to birds who will then fly all around the neighborhood, cheerily depositing the seed materials along with a little dose of fertilizer for good measure.
Problem is, I really like the way the berries look. It is not unheard of for me to leave them on the bushes way too long, only to finally head out with pruning shears in hand to discover most of them already long gone. Consumed and presumably sown.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
More, tell me more (updated)
Kids, don't try this at home. Safely accumulating corkage of this quantity requires the efforts of seasoned swillers.
On my way over to the bottle tree I noticed an amusing moth settled in on my pre-munched collard plants.
I cannot say what this moth is rightfully called, but if there is any sort of justice in the moth naming world, it would have to be called something along the lines of the elephant-snout-nosed-lays-eggs-that-hatch-into-larvae-that-eat-your-collards-moth. "Snouty" for short.
While wrestling with my own definition of whimsy lately (whimsy is like pornography perhaps - hard to define but you know it when you see it) I did spot an idea that was so genius I had to steal it to use in my own surrounds.Cheryl of Conscious Gardening's bottlecap snakes (that's her photo above) were the long sought after answer to a question I've been previously unsuccessfully fielding from my family for a couple of years now, that question being with regards to my own stash of caps "but what are you going to DO with them?!?". My answer prior to recently being "I don't know - something!".
Fair is fair - I already had my bottle tree and had idly thought previously that putting the corks in around there as mulch might be cool but truth be told....I did not find the motivation to pour the corks out there until somebody else led the way.
And yes I guess I am that person Mom. If everybody else threw their corks off the edge of a cliff I suppose I might do it too.
Anyway, besides it not being pouring rain today (Yay! and a bigger hooray that we've had enough rain that I am not moved to grateful tears just at the sight of precipitation promised in our forecast) I was dragging my camera around because I love morning light here.
At times, especially when I have my camera in my hands and the morning light is just so, I totally fantasize about having my spaces featured on CTG.
I walk around,

So yeah, the camera is panning around and Linda is murmuring, "Preserving a place for wildlife to peacefully coexist is one of the main goals in this suburban backyard where native plants are in abundant evidence to provide food and....SCRRTCH! Sound of needle scraping across record as the tell tale evidence of my lifelong romance with the (dun dun dunnnnhhhh) totally invasive, every gardener worth her trowel has torn these all out already,
Linda's voice suddenly takes on an uncharacteristically stern and scolding tone "Here and there are signs there is work yet to be done in this evolving paradisiacal space". The camera cuts abruptly to me as I begin to squirm in my chair and whine about how charmed I have always been with the lore that if you plant a Nandina at the entrance of your garden and whisper to it all your worries and cares, your life and your garden will be trouble free.
I mumble guiltily about how I've always admired Nandina for doing something interesting year 'round, producing colorful leaves or white flowers or gorgeous berries... I glance around furtively, failing to make eye contact with the camera as I mutter about how forgiving Nandinas are to being trimmed to display stems or to being cut back, how they accept any soil, any amount of water, care, or total abuse and yet continue to put their best face forward, no matter what.
Cut back to a startled and slightly frowning Tom Spencer

"And that wraps up our tour of the good, the bad, and the ugly as we are reminded once again there is always something more to do in a typical Texas Garden".
And, cut to Trisha Shirey

I do have plans on getting all the Nandinas pulled out by their roots one of these days. Really, I do.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Doing the Math
Inspiration enough to get me moving on a long list of small jobs and a well considered but continually postponed project for our bed out front closest to the house.
You don't believe me? Here, I'll show you my work....
In the back, I trimmed overgrowth back to clear out a better line of sight for the bottle tree.
And speaking of the front bed, here it is in its BEFORE state.
I'd shifted it over to nearly all herbs because it is close to the door (a must I've discovered for last minute herb harvesting in inclement weather) and small. This allows me to give it extra water as needed and cover it to protect the plants from any hard frosts or freezes we have to face in our increasingly sketchy Central Texas weather.
I could have bought a couple of bags of bark mulch, tossed them on, and let it go at that. But. This bed just didn't really fit with the other areas in the front of our house. And slowly but surely, despite my apparent intentions to be as haphazard as humanly possible with regards to any sense of overall design for the beds around our house, there has been the excruciatingly slow evolution of what I think of as Central Texas Eclectic.
What do I mean by that? While not a completely native landscape, there are mostly native plants in use. There is liberal use of native stone and xeric plantings and not a single blade of St. Augustine left (except for the persistent strands that occasionally crop up in out of the way places). I have not spent much on the plants or hardscape, using loads of passalong plants and seeding in areas from packets and harvested sources both.
And this little bed close to the front door just hadn't gotten with the program. Until today. I think the bed with rocks is simply more interesting than without. See? Boring:
I went to my favorite local nursery, scored the requisite three bags of rocks, some chervil seed (the one herb I was missing to serve as a replacement for tarrgon which won't grow well here), and as mentioned before, poached some larger rocks from other beds that had maturing plants no longer requiring the stony interest pieces in place.
And...voila! Now this bed is much more like the others.
I am going to gather and assess the materials already on hand for this magical transformation to be, and hope to start work on it as soon as the showers predicted for tonight and tomorrow pass through. So stay tuned folks. The transformation of this bed might not rock your socks off, but you will either love - or hate - what I have planned next.
While I was out working, I tweaked the shelves a bit
About Me
- TexasDeb
- Rollingwood, Central Texas
- Family historian by default. Oldest surviving matriarch on my branch of the Family Tree. Story teller, photo taker, gardener, cook, blabbermouth.