Monday, February 18, 2008

Changing View(points)

As the seasons shift, the view changes.

Sometimes, as your ideas shift, the same thing happens.

My daughter, who spent several weeks in Brazil as part of a study abroad program that qualified her as a Certified Permaculture Assistant, has been on my case to get and read two books as part of the massive reorganization project otherwise known as "taking our yard out of St. Augustine".

The two books reoriented my approach after only browsing through. Every few paragraphs or so (and I am only shallowly into the first one) I am presented with an approach or idea or rationale that reminds me of how much I still have to learn.

I'd suggest you take a look at both books for yourself - they will most certainly change the way(s) you think about land management, consumerism and stewardship.

The first - Gaia's Garden: A guide to Home Scale Permaculture by Toby Hemenway.

The second - Introduction to Permaculture by Bill Mollison with Reny Mia Slay.

I am busily moving plants into spots that will not only accommodate their needs more fully, but will serve in various other ways to provide shade, allow more sun, avoid deer nibbling problems, etc. When the oak pollen counts rise I will be here more often, with photos and reports on the books and our evolving plans.

No need to wait for my reports however. Purchase and read the books for yourself, and discover what it looks like when you take the longer view. Find out for yourself how to design a system to create a "sustainable human environment", how to take fullest advantage of a "cultivated ecology". Working with, rather than against nature. I am already relieved just at the sound of that.

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Rollingwood, Central Texas
Family historian by default. Oldest surviving matriarch on my branch of the Family Tree. Story teller, photo taker, gardener, cook, blabbermouth.